Struct DESC

Struct Documentation

struct graspi::DESC

structure storing the list of descriptors

Public Functions

void initiate_descriptors_2_phase()

set of methods to initiate the descriptors when TWO-phase morphology is considered

void print_descriptors_2_phase(std::ostream &os)

This method prints the values of descriptors of TWO-phase morphology to the stream os

  • os: is the outputstream the descriptors should be send to

void initiate_descriptors_3_phase()

This method initiates the descriptors when THREE-phase morphology is considered.

bool update_desc(std::string desc_name, float value)

This function updates the value of the descriptor with name find_desc_of_name


the status of the update

  • desc_name: is the name of descriptor to be updated

  • value: is the value of the descriptor to be updated with

Public Members

std::vector<desc_t> desc

the vector of descriptors

find_desc_of_name find_desc

The predicate used to identify descriptor of a given name.