Struct CC

Struct Documentation

struct graspi::CC

The class to store information about individual component.

Public Functions


The constructor.

0 - does not connected, 1 - connected to bottom 2 - connected to top, 3 - connected to both

bool if_connected_to_top_or_bottom() const

Returns if given component is connected to both bottom OR top meta-vertex.

bool if_connected_to_top_and_bottom() const

Returns if given component is connected to both bottom AND top meta-vertex.

bool if_connected_to_top() const

Returns if given component is connected to top meta-vertex.

bool if_connected_to_bottom() const

Returns if given component is connected to bottom meta-vertex.

Public Members

unsigned int color

the color of the connected component

int size

the number of vertices this component consists of

int if_connected_to_electrode

the information about connectivity to meta-vertices


friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const CC &c)

Function to output information about the members of this structure

  • os: is the steam to send to

  • c: is the reference to the connected component