Function graspi::wf_diss(graph_t *, const dim_g_t&, const vertex_colors_t&, const edge_weights_t&, const vertex_ccs_t&, const ccs_t&, double, unsigned int, unsigned int)

Function Documentation

std::pair<double, double> graspi::wf_diss(graph_t *G, const dim_g_t &d_g, const vertex_colors_t &C, const edge_weights_t &W, const vertex_ccs_t &vCC, const ccs_t &CC, double Ld, const std::string &filename_ColorToGreen, const std::string &filename_WColorToGreen, unsigned int color = 0, unsigned int green = 30)

This function computes two descriptors related to exciton dissociation


the pair of fractions: the weighted fraction of vertices and the fraction of vertices within Ld distance to the targeted meta-vertex

  • G: is the input graph

  • d_g: is the structure storing basic informations about the graph dimensionality

  • C: is the vector storing the labels/colors of vertices in the graph G

  • W: is the map storing the weights of the edges

  • vCC: is the vector storing indices of the connected components (CC) of each vector in the graph

  • CC: is the vector of CC,

  • Ld: is the exciton diffusion length

  • filename_ColorToGreen: is the filename where all distances from GREEN to BLACK vertices will be outputted

  • filename_WColorToGreen: is the filename where all weighted distances from GREEN to BLACK vertices will be outputed

  • color: is the color code for vertices that will be analyzed (default value is BLACK)

  • green: is the color code for targeted meta-vertex (default value is GREEN)