Function graspi::identify_complementary_paths_from_green¶
Function Documentation¶
std::pair<int, int>
(graph_t *G, const vertex_colors_t &C, const edge_colors_t &L, const vertex_ccs_t &vCC, const ccs_t &CC)¶ The function to indentify the complementry paths from the interface to both top and bottom meta-vertices
- Return
the pair of numbers: the total number of first order edges, the total number of first order edges that are connected to top and bottom meta-vertices
- Parameters
: is the pointer to the graph to be analyzedC
: is the reference to the vector storing the labels/colors of vertices in the graph GL
: is the map storing the labels/colors of the edges in graph GvCC
: is the reference to the vector storing indices of the connected components (CC) of each vector in the graph