Function graspi::perfomance_indicator

Function Documentation

double graspi::perfomance_indicator(graph_t *G, const dim_g_t &d_g, const vertex_colors_t &C, const dim_a_t &d_a, const edge_weights_t &W, const edge_colors_t &L, const vertex_ccs_t &vCC, const ccs_t &CC, double pixelsize)

This function computes performance indicator of morphology stored as graph

This function computes a set of descriptors of morphology represented as a graph


the the product of three descriptors: F_ABS * F_DISS.first * F_CT

  • G: is the pointer to the input graph

  • d_g: is the reference to the struct storing the dimension of graph vertices

  • C: is the reference to the vector storing the labels/colors of vertices in the graph G

  • d_a: is the reference to the struct storing dimensions of the morphology represented as a array

  • W: is the reference to the map storing the weights of the edges

  • L: is the reference to the map storing the labels/colors of the edges in graph G

  • vCC: is the reference to the vector storing indices of the connected components (CC) of each vector in the graph

  • CC: is the reference to the vector of CC,

  • pixelsize: is the physical unit of the voxel (distances will be rescaled according to this value)