Function graspi::compute_descriptors_only

Function Documentation

std::vector<desc_t> graspi::compute_descriptors_only(int *p_colors, const unsigned int &nx, const unsigned int &ny, const unsigned int &nz = 1, const float &pixelsize = 1.0, const bool &if_per = true)

This function computes descriptors of morphology defined on structured matrix

This function computes a set of descriptors of morphology


the vector of descriptors, where each descriptor is a pair (std::pair<float,std::string>) consisting of descriptor’s value (float) and name (string)

  • p_colors: is the morphology stored as an array of colors (row-wise order of matrix)

  • nx: is the number of voxels in x-direction

  • ny: is the number of voxels in y-direction

  • nz: is the number of voxels in z-direction (default value is 1)

  • pixelsize: is the physical unit of the voxel (distances will be rescaled according to this value)

  • if_per: is the flag setting the periodicity on sides (true value means periodicity on sides, for 2D - in x-dir, for 3D - in x anf y-diretion)