Program Listing for File time_check.hpp

Return to documentation for file (src/time_check.hpp)

 *  $Id: time_check.hpp 38 2003-10-28 14:20:23Z zola $
 *  File: time_check.hpp
 *  Developed: Mar 25, 2003
 *  Institute of Computer & Information Sciences
 *  Czestochowa University of Technology
 *  Dabrowskiego 73
 *  42-200 Czestochowa, Poland
 *  tel/fax: +48 (0....)34 3250589
 *  Author: Jaroslaw Zola <>
 *  Copyright (c) 2003 Jaroslaw Zola <>
 *  For copyright details please contact the author.


#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sys/time.h>

class time_check {
    typedef unsigned size_type;

    explicit time_check(const char* name = "", size_type n = 128)
    : name_(name), hbeg_(false), hfin_(false), pos_(0),
    tpts_(n, 0.0), ipts_(n, "") {}

    size_type size() const { return pos_; }

    size_type capacity() const { return tpts_.size(); }

    void start() {
        hbeg_ = true;
        gettimeofday(&beg_, 0);
    } // start

    void stop() {
        hfin_ = true;
        gettimeofday(&fin_, 0);
    } // stop

    void check(const std::string& id = "") {
        if ((hbeg_) && (pos_ < tpts_.size())) {
            tpts_[pos_] = get_time();
            ipts_[pos_] = id;
    } // check

    double total() const {
        return (hbeg_ && hfin_) ?
        (tv2double(fin_) - tv2double(beg_)) : 0.0;
    } // total

    double at_point(size_type n) const {
        if (!((hbeg_) && (n < pos_))) return 0.0;
        return (n < 1) ? (tpts_[0] - tv2double(beg_))
        : (tpts_[n] - tpts_[n-1]);
    } // at_point

    double to_point(size_type n) const {
        return ((hbeg_) && (n < pos_)) ? tpts_[n] : 0.0;
    } // to_point

    std::string point_id(size_type n) const {
        return ((hbeg_) && (n < pos_)) ? ipts_[n] : "";
    } // point_id

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const time_check&);

    double get_time() const {
        timeval t;
        gettimeofday(&t, 0);
        return tv2double(t);
    } // get_time

    double tv2double(const timeval& t) const {
        return t.tv_sec + (0.000001 * t.tv_usec);
    } // tv2double

    std::string name_;

    bool hbeg_;
    timeval beg_;

    bool hfin_;
    timeval fin_;

    size_type pos_;

    std::vector<double> tpts_;
    std::vector<std::string> ipts_;

}; // class time_check

inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const time_check& t) {
    out << t.name_ << " time check:\n";

    std::size_t i = 0;
    for (; i < t.pos_; ++i) {
        out << t.ipts_[i] << ": +" << t.at_point(i) << "s\n";

    out << "----------------\n";

    std::size_t tt = static_cast<std::size_t>(;
    std::size_t ht = tt / 3600;
    std::size_t mt = (tt % 3600) / 60;
    std::size_t st = (tt % 3600) % 60;

    out << "total: " << << "s\n";
    if ((ht > 0) || (mt > 0)) {
        out << "       " << ht << "h:" << mt << "m:" << st << "s\n";

    return out;
} // operator <<

#endif // TIME_CHECK_HPP