Program Listing for File performance_indicators_diss.hpp

Return to documentation for file (src/performance_indicators_diss.hpp)

 *  $Id$
 *  File: performance_indicators_diss.hpp
 *  Created: May 9, 2012
 *  Author: Olga Wodo, Baskar Ganapathysubramanian
 *  Copyright (c) 2012 Olga Wodo, Baskar Ganapathysubramanian
 *  See accompanying LICENSE.
 *  This file is part of GraSPI.


#include <climits>
#include <sstream>

#include "graspi_types.hpp"
#include "graph_dijkstra.hpp"
#include "graspi_predicates.hpp"
#include <boost/graph/filtered_graph.hpp>

namespace graspi {

    struct foo_w_diss{
        double A1;
        double B1;
        double C1;
        foo_w_diss(){ A1=6.265; B1=-23.0; C1=17.17; }
        double operator()(double d)const{
            return A1*exp(-((d-B1)/C1)*((d-B1)/C1));

    inline int
    identify_n_vertices_within_distance( const std::vector<float>& d,
                                        double Ld){
        int n_Ld = 0;
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d.size(); i++){
            if( (d[i] < Ld) && (d[i] > 0) ) n_Ld++;
        return n_Ld;

    inline double
    identify_weighted_vertices_within_distance( const std::vector<float>& d,
                                               double Ld){
        double wn_Ld = 0;
        foo_w_diss wfoo;

        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d.size(); i++){
            double d_i = d[i];
            double wd_i = wfoo(d_i);
            if( (d_i < Ld) && (d_i > 0) ) wn_Ld+= wd_i;
        return wn_Ld;

    inline std::pair<int,double>
    identify_n_weighted_vertices_within_distance( const std::vector<float>& d,
                                                 double Ld){
        double wn_Ld = 0;
        int n_Ld = 0;
        foo_w_diss wfoo;

        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d.size(); i++){
            double d_i = d[i];
            double wd_i = wfoo(d_i);
            if( (d_i < Ld) && (d_i > 0) ){
                wn_Ld+= wd_i;
        return std::pair<int,double>(n_Ld,wn_Ld);

    inline std::pair<double,double>
            graph_t* G, const dim_g_t& d_g, const vertex_colors_t& C,
            const edge_weights_t& W, const vertex_ccs_t& vCC,
            const ccs_t& CC,
            double Ld,
            const std::string& filename_ColorToGreen,
            const std::string& filename_WColorToGreen,
            COLOR color = BLACK,
            COLOR green = GREEN
        int n_color = 0;
        int n_color_Ld = 0;
        double wn_color_Ld = 0;

        connect_color_green pred(*G,C,color,green);
        unsigned int n = boost::num_vertices(*G);
        vertex_t int_id =;
        std::vector<float> d(n);

        determine_shortest_distances( G, W, int_id, pred, d);

        foo_w_diss wfoo;
        std::ostringstream oss_out_d;
        std::ostringstream oss_out_wd;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d.size(); i++) {
            unsigned int c = C[i];
            if (c == color) n_color++;
            if ( ( c == color )
                && ( fabs(d[i]) < std::numeric_limits<float>::max() )
                ) {
                double d_i = d[i];
                oss_out_d  << d_i       << std::endl;
                oss_out_wd << d_i << " " << wfoo(d_i) << std::endl;
        std::ofstream f_out(filename_ColorToGreen.c_str());
        std::string buffer = oss_out_d.str();
        int size = oss_out_d.str().size();
        f_out.write (buffer.c_str(),size);
        buffer = oss_out_wd.str();
        size = oss_out_wd.str().size();
        f_out.write (buffer.c_str(),size);

        std::pair<int,double> pLd
        = identify_n_weighted_vertices_within_distance(d,Ld);
        n_color_Ld = pLd.first;
        wn_color_Ld = pLd.second;

#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] Number of " << color << "vertices: "
        << n_color << std::endl
        << "[DEBUG] Number of " << color << "vertices in "
        << Ld << " distance to green: "
        << n_color_Ld << std::endl;

        return std::pair<double, double>(

    inline std::pair<double,double> wf_diss(
            graph_t* G, const dim_g_t& d_g, const vertex_colors_t& C,
            const edge_weights_t& W, const vertex_ccs_t& vCC,
            const ccs_t& CC,
            double Ld,
            COLOR color = BLACK,
            COLOR green = GREEN
        int n_color = 0;
        int n_color_Ld = 0;
        double wn_color_Ld = 0;

        connect_color_green pred(*G,C,color,green);
        unsigned int n = boost::num_vertices(*G);
        vertex_t int_id =;
        std::vector<float> d(n);

        determine_shortest_distances( G, W, int_id, pred, d);

        foo_w_diss wfoo;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d.size(); i++) {
            unsigned int c = C[i];
            if (c == color) n_color++;

        std::pair<int,double> pLd
        = identify_n_weighted_vertices_within_distance(d,Ld);
        n_color_Ld = pLd.first;
        wn_color_Ld = pLd.second;

        return std::pair<double, double>(
