Template Function graspi::determine_shortest_distances

Function Documentation

template<typename Pred>
void graspi::determine_shortest_distances(graph_t *G, const edge_weights_t &W, vertex_t source, const Pred &pred, std::vector<float> &d)

This function determines the shortest paths in the fitered graph.

This function determines the shortest paths in the filtered graph. The shortest paths and the lengths (distances) are computed from the source vertex to all vertices in the filtered graph. The filtered graph is determined using predicate Pred.

Template Parameters
  • Pred: is the predicate used to filter the graph

  • G: is the input graph

  • W: is the map storing the weights of the edges

  • source: is the source vertex with respect to which distances are to be determine_shortest_distanced

  • pred: is the predicate used to filter the graph

  • d: is the vector of distance to be determined as a result of this function