Function graspi::make_update_edge_with_meta_vertex

Function Documentation

void graspi::make_update_edge_with_meta_vertex(int s, int meta_t, double w, char o, graph_t *G, edge_weights_t &W, edge_colors_t &L)

This is function to update edge between source and target vertex

  • s: is the source vertex

  • t: is the target vertex

  • o: is the order of the edges to be added

  • w: is the weight of the edge to be added

  • G: is the reference to the input graph

  • C: is the reference to the vector storing the labels/colors of vertices in the graph G

  • W: is the reference to the map storing the weights of the edges

  • L: is the reference to the map storing the labels/colors of the edges in graph G