Class connect_color_green

Class Documentation

class graspi::connect_color_green

This is predicate to filter the graph that connects vertices to GREEN meta-vertex

Predicate used to filter original graph to find the shortest distances from source vertex - GREEN to all BLACK/GREY (color_). Predicate is used to mask edges in G other than (BLACK,BLACK) and (BLACK,GREEN) and (color,color). Since source vertex is GREEN we allow edges to exists between GREEN and BLACK.

Public Functions


The default constructor.

connect_color_green(const graph_t &G, const vertex_colors_t &C, unsigned int color, unsigned int green = 30)

The constructor

  • G: is the graph to be filtered

  • C: is the reference to the vector storing the labels/colors of vertices in the graph G

  • color: is the color of vertices to be filtered as connected to interface/green meta-vertex

  • green: is the targeted interface color to be used for filtering

bool operator()(const edge_descriptor_t &e) const

the operator used to filter the edges satisfying the condition specified in this operator